Access Internet From
Mobile Using Computers
Internet Connection yes,
you read it right. I am not
talking about using mobile
to access internet on your
PC. Its the opposite I am
demonstrating here. So
you will be able to use FREE
internet on mobile. Of
course, you may need to
pay for internet service you
use already on PC. Now as
with most mobile hacks,
this is limited to symbian
mobiles which includes
almost all Nokia Series60
and Many Sony Ericsson
phones. Why do I need
this? Yep. I felt the same
long time back and also left
the idea, but our reader
Manish wanted to know
this. And now I am done
with this I am finding this
quite useful, specially
during IPL matches these
days. I can check scores in
kitchen while cooking,
without running to
bedroom every 5 minutes!
Lazy me, I know… ;-)
Anyway online most of the
time, I need internet on
mobile only to update
themes, games and other
stuff. Downloading
themes, softwares and
other stuff on PC and then
sending them to mobile is
one option but I always
find its tedious. This one is
really better as its FREE and
speed is much better than
what GPRS ever offered!
How it will work? We
normally connect PC and
Mobile for file transfer and
data synchronization. One
step ahead, we use GPRS
on mobile to connect
internet on PC side. All
these means, two devices
can connect to each other
and share Internet. Only
remaining possibility left to
check was, can mobile dial/
use/access internet on PC?
And here is the solution
which will work for sure
but may need some
efforts… Access Internet
From Mobile Using
Computers Internet
Connection Requirements…
1. A PC with internet
connection. OS does not
matter. Also it doesn’t
matter how you connect to
internet from PC. 2. A
symbian handset with
GnuBox – a free and open-
source tool which will do
thing on your handset. 3.
mRouter to do things on
PC side. Its optional but can
save your lots of time. You
can manually handle Now
first requirement is
obvious, lets take care of
the remaining too…
Preparing PC side… #using
mRouter (Windows only)
Windows user can
download mRouter. Then
install it on your PC and
restart the machine. Next
you need to configure
mRouter which is quick &
easy. Tam Hanna explained
it very well here. #without
mRouter Now all major OS
have internet connection
sharing feature. On
windows, you need to add
a new modem and attach it
to COM port which is used
fro Mobile-PC
communication. As an
example check this article
for details on how to do it
on Windows, Symbian
Mobile & Bluetooth channel
combo. Covering all details
of other OS is not possible
here. Check tutorials
section below for a
matching reference.
Preparing Mobile side using
GnuBox… GnuBox is
available for more than 20
different handset models.
You can check all available
downloads here. GnuBox
have a dedicated page here
(alternate link). Do not
forget to check it, as it have
For particular instructions
for your handset, OS
combo, check tutorials
from following section.
Tutorials & References…
Official GnuBox page
covers most of the details
but its not enough for
many users. So here is the
list of tutorials & references
which may help you…
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